Tarot  Portraits Video

The Page of Cups is the birth of the new, the first step into physical form. She brings forth from the waters of life what was once thought and pure energy. She forms and focuses this energy into the external world, expressing what was once only in the darkness into the new light. Love, light and purity being offered without reservation is the key of this card.
She is youth and fresh new horizons. The beginning of new love and new life. Reincarnation, Birth, Renewal, Discovery. The first foundations of the journey of the heart and the emotional realm. Purity of expression coming straight from the Source. The ripening, the first sprout from the seed. Forgiveness and new beginnings. Redemption through heartfelt confession and abeyance. Faith and service to the unknown, the unspoken. Beginnings of truth and realization.

 "Page of Cups"
Oil on canvas, 3.6 ft. x 2 ft., 2015.
An-Magrith Erlandsen


This image and all images on this website are invented and created by An-Magrith Erlandsen.
All images here are copyright and part of the Tarot of the Pomegranate trademark.
To purchase an original signed limited edition HR print of this image go to the Bazaar.
Copyright © An-Magrith Erlandsen.  Tarot of the Pomegranate ®. 1998/2015. All Rights Reserved.